5 Things I Learned This Year
Another year older, another year wiser! Let’s not dwell on the fact that each birthday means a few more lines and wrinkles and a few more (dare I say, pounds? - that’s a story for another day). Let’s just relish in the fact that we are for the most part happy and healthy. We have all the basic necessities and a few 3rd world delicacies.
The things I’ve learned over the past year. What has made me a better person today?
It’s the little things.
Enjoying time with people. Real life in person time. You don’t appreciate being around friends and family until you can’t.
Be who I need me to be.
I’ve struggled the past few months, emotionally and mentally. As a small business owner its been hard to adapt to the new normal especially in my personal life but as well as in business. When you have a website that just kinda looks good and you have a boutique with a store front that is closed for two months, you begin to panic. It was then that I realized I need to adapt or else my business would not survive. Besides more videos from the comfort of my makeshift office in my bedroom I brought the store to my house. I began website construction and repair. And dove head first into the knitty gritty of a website.
Kindness makes the world go round. Especially over the past few months. Oh boy, can a pandemic bring out the worst in people. But you know, it can also bring out the utmost in kindness. I’ve seen companies coordinate and cooperate while Working in the confines of Community over competition and all the things.
Keep trying. I started off as a jewelry designer. I had done jewelry shows and art shows for years before I opened the boutique. If you didn’t know, my boutique changed locations twice before moving to Pilgrim Square. It’s all about try ... and then try some more. If something doesn’t work, take ownership, accept it, and try better next time. Learn from the mistakes and try not to make them again.
Learn from the past. Every year there seems to be good decisions and not so good decisions. As a boutique owner, there are always things that seem to be a good idea. And. Then. It’s. NOT! Sometimes it takes a mistake to learn from and make better decisions the next time.
As my 42 year comes to an end, I want to thank my friends and customers for their continued support.